Pictures of My Garden
Tomatoes Before the Frost
It’s getting late in the year, and the frosts are beginning, so I trimmed the tomatoes of their last fruits. There are mostly San Marzano and Speckled Roman, but also Coure di Bue, White Tomasol, Green Zebra, and Gold Medal… we’ll see how many of them ripen (which will take as long as a month)…
green tomatoes (mostly) 2020/10/20
tomatoes in their basket 2020/10/20
Morning, Glory
This beautiful morning glory grew right next to, even intermingled, with my tomatoes. I watered the tomatoes daily all summer long, and so this monster got plenty of love.
morning glory after an early frost 2020/10/04
morning glory close-up 2020/10/04
morning glory seeds and pods 2020/10/17
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