The Chimera Cycle
The Chimera Cycle is a four book epic high fantasy, seven years in the making. It is printed here in its most current form. I hope to have all my notes on the site by January 1, 2021; and to complete the series by January 1, 2030. — 2020/01/01
Book 1: Children of the Broken Moon
This book is nicely polished! It is in beta form: worthy of reading—but minor adjustments will still be made until the 2030 deadline (e.g. word choice, minor plot work…). — 2020/11/01
Book 2: Under Oblarra
The early chapters of Book 2 are polishing up nicely and are not likely to change much, but the deeper one goes, the more the book degrades and disappears into a thin outline with only chunks of greater text. There is still much work to be done here, mostly in the latter half. — 2020/07/04
The first draft of book 2 is now complete, though the last few chapters are still quite rough. The rest of the book is polishing up quite nicely. — 2022/09/11
The book is really beginning to gleam. I hope to have a physical beta copy released early next year. — 2023/10/31
Book 3: The Dreadlord Lasitus
I hope to enter all my notes on this book before the end of the year. Until then, here’s a tease. — 2020/07/04
Now that book two has taken a high polish and needs a bit of rest, I’m beginning to flesh out book three in earnest. Here’s touches of the first eight chapters. — 2023/10/31
Book 4: A Thousand Sparks
Coming eventually to a website near you! — 2020/07/04
I’m not releasing anything yet, because spoilers! — 2023/10/31
The Archive
Do ever wonder how rough the rough drafts might have been? Well, wonder no longer! In this vault resides all the earlier drafts of books two, three, and four! (sorry kids, the early drafts of book one are all but lost to history…) — 2023/10/31