I originally bought this site to house my epic high fantasy project, the Chimera Cycle—though its grown to hold so much more! Now, it is a repository for all sorts of writing—and also a bit of my photography.
The Chimera Cycle is a four book series that follows Duke Creigal berDuvante of Gaurring as he pursues a thief through foreign territory. Currently, the first book, Children of the Broken Moon, is available in print from lulu.com, but the most current form of Children of the Broken Moon is on this website! It should be noted that the differences are very minor—but since I have the convenience, I’ve corrected several typos, adjusted a few word choices, and polished an awkward paragraph or two—so the physical copy is nearly identical.
Currently, I’m doing most of my work in the second book, Under Oblarra. This book is filling out nicely. The early book is beginning to gleam, only to thin out through the second half. Near the end, it devolves into a mish-mash of thin notes and disjointed scenes. I hope to have it ready for a printed version early 2022.
The third and fourth books are mostly in my head. I hope to finish the entire series by the end of 2030.
Next is Metal, a dark comedy about a girl with a dumpster fire life that makes a twisted bargain with a self-centered drummer. It is a rock-’n-roll tale of sordid obsession and cold hard cash.
After that is a selection of other items I’ve written over the years. Some of these pieces are a little rough, but I think there’s some genuine sparkle to all of them.
Some of my work is rather set in stone (and quite literally set in wood). Indeed, if you scroll down, you’ll notice physical copies of several works for sale. If you like my writing, buying a few copies and giving them to your friends and family is a great way to get me to write even more!
Last, but not least, is the button that explains the value4value system, and that my material is copyleft, and open to reimagining. After all, the more value I give to my audience, the more value I can expect in return. If you received value from the work I’ve done, mash that button!
— M. Andrew Jones
P.S. So much more to come…